Free Savings Tools to simplify saving
Explore our automated tools you can use to grow your savings.
Boost your savings with our automatic Savings Tools.
Savings Tools help take the effort out of saving. Set up tools to automatically move money into your savings account from direct deposits, ATM rebates and more.
Recurring transfers
We'll move a portion of a recurring deposit into your savings.
You decide which deposit to use and the amount to transfer.
ATM rebates
When we pay you back for using ATMs outside our preferred network, we'll send the money to your savings. See note 1
You can get rebates of up to $10 on each monthly statement.
Tax refunds
When you get your tax refund, we'll move some or all of it into your savings.
Just set the amount you want to save. After you get your refund deposited, we'll move the money automatically.
What you need to start using Savings Tools
To take advantage of our free Savings Tools, you just need a USAA Classic Checking account and a savings account.
Not a member? Join USAA.
Find out how easy it is to grow your savings.
Start using our free Savings Tools to help reach your financial goals.