Help reduce future wildfire damage.
Research from the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety, or IBHS, shows you can help make your home more resistant to wildfires by following these steps.

Watch for embers.
A major cause of damage is embers settling on a wooden roof. Consider upgrading to Class A shingles, which can help offer some of the best protection against wildfire embers.
Embers can also enter your home through attic vents and crawlspaces. Consider installing screens to help protect your property from further damage.

Maintain your deck.
Windblown embers also pose a threat to attached decks. To help minimize your risks, don't store anything on or below your deck that might easily catch fire. Consider making the space between boards at least a quarter inch to reduce fire spread.

Check your region's guidelines.
Wildfire risks vary from region to region, so Check your state's retrofit guide to make sure your property is protected. Check regional guidelines.
Continue exploring ways to protect your home. IBHS offers a step-by-step guide that outlines other ways you can remodel your home to help protect it from future wildfires. Visit the step-by-step guide.
Research from IBHS shows you can help make your home more resistant to wildfires by following these steps.