Natural Disaster Recovery
Let us help you get on the road to recovery.

Natural Disaster Recovery
Video Duration: 1 minute 32 seconds
Transcript Date: Dec. 11, 2019
Being Prepared for a Natural Disaster Elapsed Time 0 Seconds[00:00]
USAA is determined to help you on your road to recovery. That means our commitment to you doesn't end after your claim is closed.
Things to Consider When Rebuilding Elapsed Time 9 Seconds[00:09]
Here are some things to consider as you rebuild and ways you can be more financially prepared before the next disaster hits.
If you're having to replace a vehicle or rebuild your home, be sure to understand the total cost of ownership. Look beyond that monthly payment and consider other factors, like the interest rate and the cost of insurance.
If you're rebuilding, be cautious when hiring contractors. Get multiple bids. Make your contractor produce a license. Be wary of anyone asking for money up front.
Look out for contractors who offer very low bids, which could be a sign of fraud or someone who's going to do low-quality repairs. Remember, the money you get from an insurance claim is supposed to help ensure that your covered damages can be repaired properly.
You may want to consider strengthening your roof with a sealed roof deck. It can help keep water out of your attic and off your ceiling.
How to Improve Your Financial Security Elapsed Time 1 Minute 4 Seconds[01:04]
You also want to be more financially prepared for the next catastrophe. Stash some savings away in an emergency fund. You don't want to be dependent upon credit cards to get you through a recovery.
Now is also a great time to check your insurance coverages to make sure you're protected in case disaster strikes again.
USAA is here to help you recover and build financial strength. You can learn more on this page.
End Elapsed Time 1 minute 32 seconds[01:32]
Getting started
If you've been affected by a natural disaster, these services can help you recover during and after your claim. Here's a brief view of the recovery journey.
Step 1 of 3 File a claim if you have damage.
Step 2 of 3 Consider options to protect your home or replace your vehicle.
Step 3 of 4 Consider options to strengthen your roof.
Step 4 of 4 Rebuild your savings and plan for the future.
File a Claim
You can file an auto or property claim online today.
Check Claim Status
You can check your claim status and send messages, photos and documents to your adjuster from your mobile device or computer.
Protect Yourself From Fraud
When you're rebuilding after a natural disaster, it's important to be aware of potential contractor fraud.
Disaster Recovery Tips
We have the answers to common questions people have about recovering from a natural disaster.
Protecting your home for the future
Going through a natural disaster once can be difficult. These resources can help you prepare your family and home in case there's another one.
Prepare your property for a natural disaster.
We've partnered with the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH) to help with natural disaster preparation and recovery.
Protect your home from wildfires.
Installing a mesh grate over your attic vents is one of many ways to prevent embers from entering your home.
Protect your home from water damage.
Seal your roof deck to help protect your home from water damage for as little as $500 per IBHS.
Build a better roof.
Here's what you should consider to help your roof better withstand severe weather.
See how the American Red Cross can help.
The Red Cross has been providing humanitarian aid since 1881. Here are some ways Red Cross can help you, a loved one or a friend return to normalcy.
Mental Health Services
Mental health volunteers, specializing in emotional support after a disaster, travel to disaster sited to help people cope.
Financial Assistance
The Red Cross provides emergency financial assistance and long-term financial help after disasters.
Health Services
Health workers provide first-aid treatment, monitor people in shelters or replace prescription medications or glasses.
Distribution of Emergency Supplies
Red Cross kits contain personal items like a toothbrush and shampoo, and emergency supplies like tarps and trash bags.
Reach out to the Red Cross at 800-733-2767 or check out all the ways Red Cross can lend a hand.
Covering emergency expenses
A natural disaster can be devastating to your savings. See how our financial resources can bring you peace of mind.
Assess your debt.
We understand you may have some debt after a natural disaster and can help you develop a strategy to reduce it.
Apply for a loan to cover emergency expenses.
You may have unexpected expenses after a natural disaster. If you need some extra help to cover emergencies, a personal loan may be a good alternative to credit cards.
Consider a credit card for unexpected expenses.
After a natural disaster, emergency expenses can be difficult to cover if you've already dipped into your savings. Additional credit may be a lifeline during unexpected situations.
Getting back to normal
Once your claim is closed and your family and home are secure, create peace of mind with these additional resources.
Review Your Insurance Policies
We recommend reviewing your insurance coverage every year to ensure your deductibles are appropriate for your risk tolerance and budget.
Rebuild Your Savings
An event like this may have impacted the savings you worked so hard for.
Get Your Financial Readiness Score
Your life and your financial situation may have changed after a natural disaster. It's a good time to re-evaluate your financial readiness.See note1