Claims Videos
Play Video How the claims process works (Opens Pop-up)
How the claims process works
We'll walk you through what to expect during the 5 phases of a claim.
Play Video Roadside vs Collision Towing (Opens Pop-up)
When to get roadside assistance or collision towing
Learn which type of towing help is best for your situation.
Play Video What to do after an auto accident (Opens Pop-up)
What to do after an auto accident
Learn what to do — from the scene of the accident through when you report a claim.
Play Video Answering common homeowners claims questions (Opens Pop-up)
Answering common homeowners claims questions
Get answers about payments, recoverable depreciation and filing supplements to your claim.
Play Video How to read your homeowners claim estimate (Opens Pop-up)
How to read your homeowners claim estimate
We cut through the jargon to help you understand what's in your estimate.
Play Video What if home repairs cost more than my estimate? (Opens Pop-up)
What if home repairs cost more than my estimate?
Learn how to request payment for those extra costs by filing a supplement to your claim.
Play Video What is subrogation? (Opens Pop-up)
What is subrogation?
Learn how we handle incidents when someone else may be at-fault for your damages.
Play Video How to mitigate water damage to your home (Opens Pop-up)
How to mitigate water damage to your home
Learn what steps to take to safely dry and clean your home after a leak or flood.
How the Claims Process Works

Video Duration: 1 minutes 51 seconds
Transcript Date: October 31, 2023
Intro [00:00]
Description of visual information: [How the claims process works] End of description
When you file a claim, you want to get things back to normal as quickly as possible. That's important to us too and so is helping you have peace of mind by knowing what's happening throughout the process. For most claims, our process involves these five phases.
Report your claim [00:20]
One, Report your claim. Let us know about injuries or damage to your property or vehicle as soon as possible. You can report your claim anytime in our claims center on or the USAA Mobile App.
Confirm your coverage [00:35]
Two, we'll confirm your coverage. We'll get started by reviewing what happened and confirming what your policy covers.
Gather more information [00:44]
Three, we'll gather more information. This can include photos, police or fire reports, and information from other parties who were involved.
Evaluate the claim [00:55]
Four, we'll evaluate the claim. We'll review the information we gathered and determine the amount to pay based on your coverage. Your deductible may apply to the total amount that's covered.
Settle the claim [01:08]
Five, we'll settle the claim. If covered, we'll make a payment to you or a third party, depending on your claim type. If more repairs or payments are needed, we'll work with your shop or contractor to assess the additional damage and get them paid.
Conclusion [01:24]
Remember, the best place to report, track and manage your claim 24/7 is in our claims center on or the USAA Mobile App. We'll reach out if we need more details as we go through the process. Every claim is different, and the length of the process can vary. Rest assured our team is here for you every step of the way to resolve things as soon as we can.
Description of visual information: [All coverages are subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.] End of description
End [01:51]
When to Call Roadside Assistance or Report a Claim

Video Duration: 2 minutes 5 seconds
Transcript Date: December 19, 2023
Intro [00:00]
Description of visual information: [When to get roadside assistance or collision towing] End of description.
When you're stranded, help can't come quickly enough. If you find yourself in that situation, USAA is here and ready to get someone out to you. First, make sure you're in a safe place. Call 911 for emergencies. Then, answer this question.
Do you have a mechanical breakdown, or have you been in an accident? This is the key to getting the help you need.
Roadside Assistance [00:29]
If your car broke down, our 24-hour roadside assistance is your go-to. It's optional coverage on your auto policy.
It can help if you have a flat tire, run out of gas, need a jumpstart, lock your keys in your car and more. With a few taps in the USAA Mobile App, we'll send a service provider your way, getting you back on the road as soon as possible.
But let's say you don't have a spare tire or it's more than just a dead battery. Roadside assistance covers one tow to the nearest repair shop or a shop you choose. If your preferred shop is further than the distance listed in your policy, you may have to pay for the extra mileage out of pocket.
Report a Claim [01:10]
Now, let's talk about accidents. If you hit an object or another vehicle and can't drive your car, getting towed isn't covered by roadside assistance. Instead, an auto insurance claim can help provide a collision to.
To start the claims process, you'll need to call USAA. We'll connect you to an insurance adjuster and verify your coverage, then send a tow truck to your location.
They'll also be there for you through every step of the claims process.
Outro [01:40]
Knowing what to do can help you stay calm and save time.
Remember, if your car breaks down, roadside assistance is there for you 24/7. If you've had an accident and can't drive your car, call us at 800-531-8722 to report a claim and connect with a helpful adjuster.
Wherever you are, we're standing by to help.
Description of visual information: [For detailed guides on our services, visit or the USAA Mobile App.] End of description.
End [02:05]
Auto Accident Checklist

Video Duration: 1 minutes 7 seconds
Transcript Date: January 4, 2023
Your first steps Elapsed Time 0 Seconds [00:00]
When you're involved in an accident, it can be difficult to know what to do next. To make it easy for you, USAA has created this simple checklist.
Whether it's with another vehicle, an animal or pedestrian, the first priority is safety. Call 9-1-1 if there are and injuries. It you're able, move to safety but don't leave the scene of the accident. If safe to do so, take pictures of the accident scene and all vehicle damages.
Exchange information Elapsed Time 28 Seconds [00:28]
If your accident involves another driver, you'll need to exchange the following information: name; driver's license number; insurance company and policy number; year, make, model and license plate of any vehicle involved. If anyone witnessed the accident, get their contact info, as well as a police report number if the police arrive to the scene
Reporting your claim Elapsed Time 47 Seconds [00:47]
When you report your claim through the USAA Mobile App or, you are able to schedule an inspection, arrange your repairs and if applicable, request a rental car. Click on this page to begin your claim.
End Elapsed Time 1 Minute, 7 Seconds [01:07]
Common Questions About Claims

Video Duration: 2 minute 33 seconds
Transcript Date: January 4, 2023
Questions about your claim Elapsed Time 0 Seconds [00:00]
Even though your claim has been processed, USAA will be with you until your repairs are completed
If you have any new information or need to send us anything, we're here to help. You can still submit documentation and communicate with your adjuster. Just use the email address associated with your claim or the Claims Communication Center on and the USAA Mobile App.
You may have some questions about your claim, so here are answers to some of the common ones we get from members
Mortgage company requirements Elapsed Time 28 Seconds [00:28]
Why is my mortgage company listed on my check?
The mortgage company requires their name to be listed on claim payments issued by USAA. The check must be given to them to endorse before submitting it to your bank for payment. Checks that aren't properly endorsed will be returned without payment.
Please contact your mortgage company for endorsement instructions.
If your mortgage company requests an adjuster worksheet or report, give them your repair estimate
Requesting a supplement Elapsed Time 54 Seconds [00:54]
What if the repairs are going to cost more than the estimate and I have a supplement?
If the repairs are going to cost more than the estimate and you would like a review of the additional supplement for payment, you can use the Claims Communication Center to submit an itemized estimate with documents and photos showing the need for an increase. Keep in mind, your policy doesn't cover the added cost of improvements or upgraded items.
Recoverable depreciation explained Elapsed Time 1 Minute 15 Seconds [01:15]
What's recoverable depreciation or “holdback,” and why is it being applied to my loss?
Most insurance companies typically make two payments for a covered loss. The first payment is for the depreciated value of the covered damage at the time of your loss.
A second payment is sometimes made once all the covered damages are repaired. This additional payment is often referred to as recoverable depreciation or “holdback.”
So, if there's damage to your 10-year-old roof, the first payment may reflect the value of a roof that's 10 years old. Once the roof is replaced, you may be reimbursed for the remaining cost of a new roof of similar kind and quality.
How is payment issued for recoverable depreciation?
Send us copies of your receipts or final invoices for the repair or replacement of the damaged property through the Claims Communication Center on or the USAA Mobile App. You can also use the email address associated with your claim. Your adjuster will review the material to see if you qualify for a payment for recoverable depreciation.
Keep in mind, any additional payments issued from USAA will account for prior payments and your deductible.
We're here to help you with your claim. Thank you for trusting USAA.
End Elapsed Time 2 Minutes, 33 Seconds [02:33]
How to read your property repair estimate

Video Duration: 2 minutes 21 seconds
Transcript Date: December 20, 2023
USAA is here to help Elapsed Time 0 Seconds [00:00]
When your home needs repairs, it's important to understand how the claims process will work. At USAA, our goal is to make sure you fully understand what to expect at every step throughout your claim. From the minute you file, until your repairs are complete, we're here to help!
Your initial estimate summary Elapsed Time 15 Seconds [00:15]
After you file a claim, you'll receive an initial estimate summary showing what your insurance will pay for repairs covered by your policy.
Description of visual information: [An example of an estimate summary document appears on screen.] End of description.
The approach is simple, but what does it mean? Let's start by defining a few terms.
First is the “replacement cost value,” or RCV. This is how much the insurance adjuster expects it will cost to complete the covered repairs. Your adjuster calculates the RCV using a current price list for materials and cost of labor in your area for the items shown in your estimate.
Under RCV there could be “less depreciation.” What does that mean? Depreciation is a deduction based on the age and condition of the materials making up the damaged property or the damaged item at the time of the loss. The depreciation may be recoverable after repairs are completed based on the terms of your policy.
The actual cash value is the amount your homeowners insurance policy will pay in advance of you having the repairs completed. In many states, the depreciation will be “held back” and paid separately as a second payment after proof of repairs have been received.
Finally, before we get to the dollar amount for your initial ACV payment, we will need to consider your deductible. Remember, a deductible is the out-of-pocket amount you have agreed to pay in the event of a loss and you'll pay this to your contractor as part of your claim.
The net claim is the amount you'll receive initially from your insurance to cover your repairs and help you get started.
As we discussed earlier, if you have a recoverable depreciation clause in your policy, the amount that was subtracted earlier could come back to you as a second payment. This would come after your repairs are completed and you've provided proof of payment.
Now that you know the terms, the steps are pretty simple: Replacement cost value minus depreciation and deductible equals first payment.
USAA is here to help you protect the place you call home. So when you file a claim, we want you to feel comfortable and confident throughout the process.
End Elapsed Time 2 Minutes, 21 Seconds [02:21]
What if my repairs will cost more than my estimate?

Video Duration: 2 minutes 21 seconds
Transcript Date: December 20, 2023
Intro Elapsed Time 0 Seconds [00:00]
Description of visual information: [What if my repairs will cost more than my estimate? It's not uncommon to need adjustments if you find additional damage or have to meet building code requirements.] End of description.
If you're faced with additional repair costs that weren't covered by your homeowners insurance claim estimate, you will need to submit a supplement. It's not uncommon to need adjustments, and we're here for you until your covered repairs are complete.
Here's how it works.
What's a Supplement? Elapsed Time 13 Seconds [00:13]
What's a supplement to your homeowners insurance claim?
It's an estimate or information to explain the need for additional repair or replacement costs that were not included in your original estimate. You might need to submit one if:
- You find additional damage during repairs.
- We missed something during the inspection process.
- Your contractor estimate is higher than your adjuster estimate.
- The cost of repairs is higher than anticipated.
Be sure to review your policy details or discuss them with your adjuster before filing a supplement. Some costs may not be covered, such as, but not limited to:
- Your deductible.
- Upgrades to your home.
- Depreciation, unless the repairs qualify for recoverable depreciation.
- Areas not damaged (affected) by the covered loss.
How Does it Work? Elapsed Time 1 Minute, 4 Seconds [01:04]
How does the supplement process work? We make it easy to update your claim online in three steps.
One, gather information for your supplement. To help us process your claim quickly, we'll need documents that support your claim, such as:
- An itemized contractor estimate.
- Photos of the additional damage.
- Receipts showing extra costs.
Two, submit your supplement online.
Once you've gathered documentation, you can submit your supplement online anytime using the USAA Mobile App, Claims Center or your unique claim email address. After we receive your information, it'll take us about 7 to 10 business days to determine whether your supplement should be approved.
Three, get paid, if approved.
Your adjuster will review your supplement details and coverage and may contact you for more information. They'll provide you with an update on your claim as soon as possible.
If your supplement is approved, we'll issue another payment or add the additional amount to your recoverable depreciation to cover the additional repair costs.
We'll send an updated estimate and review the details with you. You can then use the additional funds to complete your home repairs.
Have questions about your coverage?
We may be able to answer them in our Coverage FAQ. You can also message your adjuster using the USAA Mobile App, Claims Center or your unique claim email address.
End Elapsed Time 2 Minutes, 21 Seconds [02:21]
What is subrogation?

Video Duration: 2 minutes 0 seconds
Transcript Date: December 20, 2023
What is subrogation? Elapsed Time 0 Seconds [00:00]
Description of visual information: [Helping you throughout the claims process] End of description.
We know that filing an insurance claim can be stressful, so we're here to support you every step of the way. While filing your claim, you may have heard the term “subrogation.”
What is subrogation?
Subrogation is when the insurance company steps in to recover money from a third party who caused damages or losses to you or your property.
You've filed a claim. Your insurer then pays out the claim to you – minus your deductible. Your insurer now has the legal right to try and recover losses from whomever was at fault – or their insurance company.
A successful subrogation recovery means you may receive reimbursement of part, or all, of your deductible.
Here's an example.
Your neighbor backs their car into your fence and causes damage. You file a claim with us. We pay you $10,000 – minus your deductible for the damages. As your insurance carrier, we can work with your neighbor's insurance company to recover that $10,000 since your neighbor was at fault.
What's the subrogation process? Elapsed Time 1 Minute, 2 Seconds [01:02]
What's the subrogation process?
Our business partner EXL, which handles subrogation on behalf of USAA, will handle the recovery and communication between insurance companies or responsible parties.
You won't need to do much. But before EXL can get started, they'll reach out to you to get an idea of the overall situation. Share as much information and detail as you can to aid their investigation. Take pictures if possible. If there's an appliance or service failure, save any faulty parts and document issues you've had. Don't discard any potential evidence.
During the process and after, your insurance adjuster will keep you updated, so you're always informed.
If you have any questions for EXL, please call them at 1-877-285-2174. They have experts dedicated to helping USAA members.
End Elapsed Time 2 Minutes, 0 Seconds [02:00]
How to mitigate water damage to your home

Video Duration: 2 minutes 13 seconds
Transcript Date: October 19, 2021
Mitigate your water damage [00:00]
After a leak or flood in your home, water damage mitigation should be top of mind to prevent further issues. Here are a few steps you can take to help protect your home.
Safety comes first [00:10]Elapsed Time 10 Seconds
Remember safety is of utmost importance. Please make sure to wear gloves, eye wear and masks when working in water effected areas. If an area does look hazardous, please wait till a professional can come evaluate.
First steps [00:24]Elapsed Time 0 minutes 24 seconds
If you have a plumbing leak, make sure to turn off the water. Remove any standing water and wet materials. Use a wet vacuum to remove water from floors, carpets and hard surfaces. Dry your home and everything in it. If you don't have access to a wet vacuum, use mops and towels to try to mitigate if possible.
Unattended wet carpet is prone to mold and mildew. Do your best to pull back carpet and allow it to dry, wet or damaged carpet pad can be cut out and disposed of to eliminate odor and microbial growth.
Ventilate your home [00:57]Elapsed Time 0 minutes 57 seconds
While you're at home, open all doors and windows to help with ventilation. Open inside doors, especially closets and interior rooms to let air flow to all areas. Also, open kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanity doors.
When electricity is safe to use, use fans and dehumidifiers to remove moisture. Do not use fans if mold has already started to grow, because the fans may spread the mold. Remove all mold you can see.
Clean and document [01:25]Elapsed Time 1 minutes 25 seconds
Clean personal property and wet materials with water and mild detergent. Dry right away.
Do not mix bleach and ammonia, as it can create toxic vapors. It's OK if you have to throw away items that are unsalvageable, but please make sure to keep photos and documents to discuss with your adjuster.
Calling professional assistance [01:45]Elapsed Time 1 minutes 45 seconds
If you happen to have sewer or what is called black water damage to your home, seek professional assistance.
If you feel your home is uninhabitable due to this loss, please take precautions to protect yourself or if possible, vacate the home. Contact your adjuster for further guidance.
You can check the status of your claim by downloading the USAA Mobile App or by going to
End [02:13]Elapsed Time 2 minutes 13 seconds
How to mitigate water damage to your home

Video Duration: 2 minutes 13 seconds
Transcript Date: October 19, 2021
Mitigate your water damage [00:00]
After a leak or flood in your home, water damage mitigation should be top of mind to prevent further issues. Here are a few steps you can take to help protect your home.
Safety comes first [00:10]Elapsed Time 10 Seconds
Remember safety is of utmost importance. Please make sure to wear gloves, eye wear and masks when working in water effected areas. If an area does look hazardous, please wait till a professional can come evaluate.
First steps [00:24]Elapsed Time 0 minutes 24 seconds
If you have a plumbing leak, make sure to turn off the water. Remove any standing water and wet materials. Use a wet vacuum to remove water from floors, carpets and hard surfaces. Dry your home and everything in it. If you don't have access to a wet vacuum, use mops and towels to try to mitigate if possible.
Unattended wet carpet is prone to mold and mildew. Do your best to pull back carpet and allow it to dry, wet or damaged carpet pad can be cut out and disposed of to eliminate odor and microbial growth.
Ventilate your home [00:57]Elapsed Time 0 minutes 57 seconds
While you're at home, open all doors and windows to help with ventilation. Open inside doors, especially closets and interior rooms to let air flow to all areas. Also, open kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanity doors.
When electricity is safe to use, use fans and dehumidifiers to remove moisture. Do not use fans if mold has already started to grow, because the fans may spread the mold. Remove all mold you can see.
Clean and document [01:25]Elapsed Time 1 minutes 25 seconds
Clean personal property and wet materials with water and mild detergent. Dry right away.
Do not mix bleach and ammonia, as it can create toxic vapors. It's OK if you have to throw away items that are unsalvageable, but please make sure to keep photos and documents to discuss with your adjuster.
Calling professional assistance [01:45]Elapsed Time 1 minutes 45 seconds
If you happen to have sewer or what is called black water damage to your home, seek professional assistance.
If you feel your home is uninhabitable due to this loss, please take precautions to protect yourself or if possible, vacate the home. Contact your adjuster for further guidance.
You can check the status of your claim by downloading the USAA Mobile App or by going to